Galerie Thomas

Tuerkenstrasse 16
80333 Munich

+49 89 290008-0
+49 89 290008-88

Opening hours

Monday – Friday: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: 11am – 5pm

Baselitz, Kiefer, Knoebel, Polke, Richter

14 Sep – 17 Nov 2012

Baselitz Richter Polke Kiefer Knoebel - 2012

About the exhibition

Georg Baselitz, Anselm Kiefer, Imi Knoebel, Sigmar Polke and Gerhard Richter are among the most important artists of German post-war painting and only few have left such lasting traces with their work left behind like her. Their works, situated between abstraction and figuration, have one thing in common: The search for a new, liberated visual language for existential questions. The exhibited works touch this spectrum in many different ways from the perspective of painting.

We're glad to assist with further questions.

Please contact us for more information on exhibited works, prices and availability.

Raimund Thomas, Silke Thomas